
Today the lights when out and I wasn't scared. I waited and waited but the lights didn't come back on. Its fortunate that I'll leave tomorrow or else how long would I have to be here adjusting myself to this misty blackness. Its so ironic; it's this darkness that I claim to love, that I feel like I'm a part of. Its been four hours and right now, its becoming hard for me to move without knocking something over, without being afraid of stepping on something, without being uncertain of which way to go. My eyes have adjusted but I'm still not sure. I was lying about the darkness. I wish the lights would come back on, I wish I could see things the way I did before, I wish I wasn't so uncertain, I wish I didn't cause such a mess every time I moved. It's simple, I just want the lights to come back on. I've been thinking as I sat here rather bored without much to do about a lot of things; about the times when I got up on the stage unaware, ready to sing, how I made decisions so much faster when I was younger, about how I wanted to be liked so bad, how I listened to Aerosmith for the first time and felt warm inside. I moved away from some places. I miss some people. I still feel a little hurt, I can still feel it. I didn't know these feelings still existed. Where am I?The lights have still not come and I think I've become less familiar with this place, which isn't what's supposed to happen, right? I don't think I know this place at all. Its too dark to see, its too dark to feel, it's too dark to understand. I mean, am I even here anymore? What is this place, is this where I was all this while? Its hard to tell because I don't know anymore. Everything is strangely familiar, but just a little more darker. I know where I am now but I don't like it here.


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